I was excited to attend NTC 2017 for the first time as a member of the Kanopi Family. For one thing, it was held in my hometown, Washington, DC – such a great town for making connections with nonprofits – there are so many here, large and small, it would be impossible to count them all! But this event also brought me together with two people from my work family, only known to me previously as video images from my computer screen – CEO Anne Stefanyk, and Executive Assistant Darlyne Dolap. These two ladies and I partner on so many things, day to day – I was excited to do so in person. After remarking how tall (or short) everyone was, we got to work setting up our booth, and prepping for the conference.
This is our third year participating in NTC, and our second year as a booth exhibitor. Amy Sample Ward, Andrea Post, Eileigh Doineau and the entire Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) staff did an amazing job organizing this year’s conference, which unites North American tech-based companies like Kanopi with nonprofits from all over the country. It’s a great way to make connections, form partnerships, or simply learn the best ways to help nonprofits harness technology to gain donors, gather volunteers, and spread their missions as broadly as possible. Darlyne and I manned the booth, making sure to get the word out (while admiring the array of collectible buttons and stickers throughout), while Anne worked the room (this year without a broken ankle) to connect with old friends and partners and make new ones.
In addition to attending conference sessions on everything from Content Engagement to Accessibility, Leveraging Drupal in Marketing Strategies to Why We Chose WordPress, Anne represented Kanopi at two Drupal BoFs (Birds of a Feather gatherings), where she was able to informally talk shop over lunch. The three of us spent time together outside of the conference, attending some of the amazing industry parties, sponsored by Jackson River, MotherJones, and Wire Media.
A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth at NTC 2017 to say hello and to discuss how Kanopi can help their organizations build and support a new or existing online presence. It was amazing to discuss potentially teaming up with so many incredible organizations. Plus – seems our re-usable screen cleaners, stickers, and t-shirts were a hit!
We look forward to staying in touch with everyone we met, possibly adding some more members to our “family” of clients and partners, and heading down to the Big Easy for #18NTC in NoLA next year. Learn more about how Kanopi can help nonprofits by contacting us today!
Hey DrupcalCon Baltimore attendees! Come to Booth 434 to meet awesome peeps from Kanopi!
Planning to attend the Bay Area Drupal Camp in 2017? Kanopi is involved in the planning and execution of the event – come be a part of it!
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