BADCamp is more than just a conference. It’s an amazing, supportive community where connections are made with ease, everyone brings an enthusiastic desire to help each other grow, high-quality training is offered for free and the after party rocks all night. BADCamp 2017 was no different.
Each year, Kanopi Studios sponsors and organizes BADCamp as a way to give back to the Drupal community. We had so much fun getting together as a team and sharing knowledge to help attendees make their website projects successful.
A few highlights from BADCamp 2017 included:
- a collaborative nonprofit summit that leveraged the power of the group to generate solutions to real website challenges, from how to evaluate technology solutions, to how to manage a project that’s managing you
- a front end summit that included break-out sessions to discuss the evolving landscape of workflows, toolsets, best practices, and technologies
- a practical overview of Schema.org and the SEO magic of Structured Data from Katherine White, our Director of Engineering
- a live demonstration of how to extend design patterns in Drupal 8 using the UI Patterns Module by Jason Savino, Kanopi’s Senior Drupal Engineer
- our very own CEO, Anne Stefanyk, presenting helpful methods for defining everything your website needs to do
- and Kanopi Drupal Engineers Will Jackson and Sean Dietrich shared a lesson about the powerful combination of Docker and Docksal.
We’ll be putting together a series of blog posts to share some of our favorite BADCamp 2017 sessions with you over the next few weeks.
In the meantime, videos are posted on the BADCamp website. Just use the event schedule to find the session you are interested in, and click in to see the slides, along with recorded audio from the speakers.
We hope to see you at BADCamp 2018!